Day Two at Fashion Week was a biggie starting with Aje at 8am, at the Sydney Modern. While the early start mean’t I arrived half asleep, the collection quickly woke me up. It was so so beautiful and felt like the perfect new chapter for the brand, with a clear progression on from many silhouettes Aje has become so well known for. As a pants girl, I loved to see the new relaxed tailored styles, and the colour palette felt fresh while not too far from the brands DNA. Overall, heaven! I also sat at the Christian Kimber show, which was one of the only mens shows (that I know of) all week. I love supporting local designers, and for the distinguished man, Christian Kimber had some beautiful pieces.

About street style, there was A LOT going on. With so many designers with varying styles showing in one day, the streetstyle was an absolute free for all. I will say though that it was my least favourite street style day, and I can’t really put my finger on why. That’s not to say there weren’t great looks, because there definitely was, as you’re about to see. Anyway, here’s what I shot…

All images shot for Afterpay Australia ©Danielle Castano.
Please do not use/share without permission & appropriate credits.

All images shot for Afterpay Australia ©Danielle Castano.
Please do not use/share without permission & appropriate credits.