Danielle Castano

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33 Days


Today I had a thought, and I wondered if it might be possible that I could spend the best part of this year in some form of lockdown. I mean despite the easing of restrictions in May, I still avoided large groups and most unnecessary situations that involved being around other people. And then before you know it, two and half weeks ago, BAM I’m back in lockdown again. So now as I count the days down (33 to go) I figured it was time to document a bit of what goes on in pretty dull day-to-day.
I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and initially I was going to write a short entry each day, but it ended up feeling far too ‘Dear Diary, today I feel’ for my liking. While there’s nothing wrong with that, I’d actually rather focus on the visual and hopefully the more positive side of this shitshow situation. But in saying that, I do want to acknowledge how hard this is, a second time around. The anxiety is real this time, as the community transmission going on right now in Melbourne is growing rapidly, unlike in March/April when most new cases were return travellers. It’s even harder/weirder to see friends interstate going on holidays or just simply going about their day as though nothing is going on, while I have to strategically plan when to leave the house just to go to Woolies. Where to from here will remain to be seen, but wherever and however we end up, I will continue to take photographs, and I will jump in and update this post form time to time, so to keep it all in the one place and not overtake my blog with covid 19 posts.
So for now I hope you’re all doing well and keeping safe.
